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Crystal (Inktober 2021 – Day one)

I think I made a grand total of one drawing since the beginning of the pandemic (maybe a bit more, but barely). Just when I started feeling that I was getting somewhere with drawing. Oh well.

So, I’m going to try to do Inktober 2021 this year. It’ll all depend on how busy I am, i.e. whether I’ll be teaching online or in-person this semester. It seems that it’s going to be in-person, at least for now, so let’s try. (full disclosure: the first few drawings were done in September).

This year’s first drawing for Inktober is:


As usual, I drew the first time that comes to mind when thinking about the word, or one of the first results that pops up when Googling the term.

This time, the crystal cave in Mexico is what came to mind. I thought it was a bit bigger than I could chew at first, but overall, I think I managed OK. Especially for the first drawing after a long hiatus.

What do you think?

Crystal Inktober 2021


For reference, click here to see the original picture.

Another challenge will be to remember to post the drawings I made on the right day, I almost forgot to post this one today.


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