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Octopus (Inktober 52 – 2021)

Today, I drew for the first time in a year. I’ll tell you the long story of my complicated relationship with the act of drawing another day. Just now that this one-year hiatus is entirely Covid-19’s fault (too busy, too tired, etc).

As often with the drawings I post online, it’s a part of Inktober, especially Inktober 52 when we’re not in October. And this week’s prompt was:



Octopus Ink


I am pretty happy with the result, especially after not drawing for a year. Octopus was the perfect prompt for me. For some reason, I never really had much trouble drawing these animals. We’ll see what happens with the next drawing.


I think that I can draw better with a pencil than I can ink, what do you think?

Also, I like this “negative” filter very much.



Stay tuned for more…


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