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Roof (Inktober 2021 – Day thirteen)

Hmmm… Is inspiration returning a little bit?


Here is my roof.


Roof Inktober 2021


Don’t get me wrong, this is not “my roof” as in “the roof on my house” it’s just my contribution to the prompt “roof” for Inktober 2021.

It’s from a picture that I took a few years ago, you can see the original there: “Onigawara in Kurashiki


Unfortunately, I messed up the onigawara a little bit when inking. It looked better with just pencils (I used to take pictures of the drawings before inking them, maybe I should do it again), but the roof itself turned out better than I thought.


And more importantly, I had a lot of fun drawing this.


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2 thoughts on “Roof (Inktober 2021 – Day thirteen)”

    1. Thanks.
      Yes, I often mean to include more things from around here in Inktober, but it really depends on the prompts.

      One year, I want to try to really do a thematic one (with only drawing things from the islands for example) but it’s quite difficult, especially with my limited drawing skills.

      But including more local things is always in the back of my mind. Let’s see what the other prompts have in store (I haven’t drawn any of them yet).

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