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The flight to France, a preview

So, in less than a week, I’ll be flying to France for the first time in five years. Because flight tickets cost about two arms and a leg at the moment, we had no choice but to go without Mom.

My son has no memories of his first time flying (he was two), my daughter barely remembers (she was five), and we’re all getting mentally ready for a 15-hour long flight.
(yes, in addition to being insanely overpriced, flights are not insanely longer as planes don’t fly over Russia at the moment for obvious reasons)

And this conversation happened a few days ago:

15 hours flight with kids 115 hours flight with kids 215 hours flight with kids 315 hours flight with kids 4



I may or may not tell you more about this trip depending on what happens (Will it be eventful or boring? I do hope the flight is very boring).

I’ll very probably take pictures and film a little bit. I’ll share some there. Whether there are more strips like this one totally depends on the things my kids will say and do.



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